On Monday, April 28 Eric Leonardson’s post on “Acoustic Ecology and Ethical Listening” was published on the City Creatures blog about animal encounters in the urban wilderness. This coincided with the Forum on Ethics & Nature: A Cascade of Loss, an Ethics of Recovery, a symposium organized by the Center for Humans and Nature and…
The WFAE News Quarterly for July-September 2013 is now online at http://wfae.proscenia.net/newsletter/. This issue includes a feature article by Nicholas Green on the design of a botanic garden sound installation project and a research report on a Rome based soundscape perception study by Mario D’Andreta. WFAE member news from around the world; plus new books, recordings, and…
Taking a cue from fellow blogger Joseph Young and his blog posts about the 100th anniversary of Noises Manifesto, the words of Luigi Russolo about the great modern city came to my mind. According to Russolo, the city was characterized mainly by the sounds of the machine, as he was always in search of the…
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