framework – phonography / field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity presented by patrick mcginley
playlist #298: 2010.09.26
this edition of framework:afield, entitled collected ear is the third of four editions produced by members of the world listening project, this one in the u.s. (and not in the uk, as i mistakenly said during the show – sorry andy!) by andy armstrong.
andy says: I tried to focus the show on a somewhat diverse array of raw, relatively unprocessed recordings, calling to attention more personal/unique interpretations of field recording, regardless of fidelity. The idea was to provide you with a seamless conversation between people, objects, and places.
- Family Xmas Dinner – Eric Boivin
- 7 Markers Across a Hallway (excerpt) – Noé Cuéllar
- Paradise IV – Paul Connolly
- Seagulls and Where They Live – Joe Stevens
- Bridge – Andy Armstrong
- Doing the Dishes – Björn Eriksson
- Megabus 7 Layer Drone – Royl Culbertson
- Waves on to a Sandy Beach – Joe Stevens
- Lizard – Miles Bowe
- Drift Away, Laying on the Beach – Joe Stevens
- Washdrone – Royl Culbertson
- Old Dog/Spillway – Greaser
framework broadcasts:
(The fourth and final installment of the WLP’s framework:afield mini-series is due out in December, entitled “Worlds Unheard,” curated by Gregory O’Drobinak.)
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~ for general info, playlists, podcasts, or to stream the latest edition at any time:
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