Sounding Out! has declared July as “World Listening Month“. A podcast focusing on this and “World Listening Day” was recently produced by Monica Ryan, Eric Leonardson, and Tom Haigh at ARU Chicago for the occasion. Twelve artists, scientists, and researchers are interviewed.
- Dan Godston
- Jed Speare
- Darren Copeland
- Glenn Weyant
- Pauline Oliveros
- Viv Corringham
- Hildegard Westerkamp *
- Jay Needham
- Bryan Pijanowski
- Bernie Krause
- Udo Noll
- Luís Antero
* Excerpt from Hildegard Westerkamp’s opening keynote for Crossing Listening Paths, the 2011 conference of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology.
[…] The Sounding Out! blog made July their “World Listening Month”, and a special podcast focusing on World Listening Day goes out on Wednesday, July 18. […]
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[…] The Sounding Out! blog made July their “World Listening Month”, and a special podcast focusing on World Listening Day goes out on Wednesday, July 18. […]
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Greetings all. Since 1985 our organization has conducted Listening Projects (LP’s) throughout the U.S. and internationally. LP’s uses deep listening interviews and community organizing to bring about cooperative community education and action on a wide range of issues and concerns. LP’s are especially useful in communities where conflict, divisions or dis-empowerment weakens efforts for positive change. They help organizations successfully address concerns related to the environment, sustainable development, health, justice, conflict, and other concerns. LP interviewers, trained in deep listening, take time to build trust and understanding as they ask questions that help people go deeper into expressing their fears, hopes, needs, and solutions. As citizens begin to understand that their feelings, opinions and actions matter, they respond in dynamic ways. They may open to new ideas and possibilities, find common ground with opponents or offer creative ideas and solutions. Some take the next step to action or leadership. Thus, more people get involved, new solutions are uncovered and improved relations help bring about cooperative community action and real change. Listening Projects have resulted in had transformative change in many communities — examples can be found at our web-site We are interested in partnering with other “listening” organizations that share our interest in grassroots education and action. If interested contact us at 828-675-4626,
Hello Herb,
We are interested in partnering with other organizations, too. Let’s get in touch soon!
Greetings all. Since 1985 our organization has conducted Listening Projects (LP’s) throughout the U.S. and internationally. LP’s uses deep listening interviews and community organizing to bring about cooperative community education and action on a wide range of issues and concerns. LP’s are especially useful in communities where conflict, divisions or dis-empowerment weakens efforts for positive change. They help organizations successfully address concerns related to the environment, sustainable development, health, justice, conflict, and other concerns. LP interviewers, trained in deep listening, take time to build trust and understanding as they ask questions that help people go deeper into expressing their fears, hopes, needs, and solutions. As citizens begin to understand that their feelings, opinions and actions matter, they respond in dynamic ways. They may open to new ideas and possibilities, find common ground with opponents or offer creative ideas and solutions. Some take the next step to action or leadership. Thus, more people get involved, new solutions are uncovered and improved relations help bring about cooperative community action and real change. Listening Projects have resulted in had transformative change in many communities — examples can be found at our web-site We are interested in partnering with other “listening” organizations that share our interest in grassroots education and action. If interested contact us at 828-675-4626,
Hello Herb,
We are interested in partnering with other organizations, too. Let’s get in touch soon!