On Ocean Seismic Testing
The World Listening Project is concerned with connections between listening and soundscapes, and supports creative and civic-minded actions that affirm and protect our natural environment and its sounds.
Seismic testing in the ocean kills marine life and devastates marine soundscapes. Also known as “Seismic surveying” and “Air gun blasting,” it horribly injures marine animals that rely on echolocation to survive, such as whales and dolphins.
The World Listening Project stands with those who want seismic testing in the ocean to stop.
Read more on seismic survey impacts on zooplankton – the foundation of the ocean food weband consider supporting Oceana’s campaign. You may also sign their Change.org petition here.
To follow near real-time activity of vessels conducting seismic airgun blasting in the North Atlantic, visit Oceana’s “We’re Watching” map.
6 responses to “Statement On Seismic Testing”
Please stop all seismic testing in the ocean- it is devastating and unethical.
Thank you.
NO to seismic airguns.
The practice of seismic testing typifies our arrogant and thoughtless approach to our environment–without caring about the consequences of our actions on our fellow creatures, we relentlessly pursue fossil fuel extraction which we already understand will ultimately bring about our end. We must stop this pursuit immediately.
In addition to the efforts of Oceania and the Ocean Conservation Research, mentioned in last year’s post, today I learned that the New York Times published an article on current research by scientists from Taiwan.
The article mentions the “Ocean Biodiversity Listening Project, an international, an open-access database of underwater recordings that can establish a baseline of healthy, deep-sea ecosystems.” Perhaps this is a positive step toward curtailing and eventually ending the pernicious practice of seismic surveying, as noted by these researchers. The entire soundscape interests them, not just a single particular species. Read the NYTimes article at https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/10/science/deep-sea-marine-biology-acoustics.html.
The article provides this link for the Ocean Biodiversity Listening Project’s website at https://sites.google.com/view/marine-ecoacoustics/projects/biodiversity-listening-project?authuser=0.
again about to begin further test of the mid coast of western australia. they did this 5 or so years ago and the fish are only marginally coming back to the southern areas of the Abrolhos Islands.
1. this vibrates the ocean floor,
2. sound travels further underwater,
the constant noise does move the fish
3. will they put a human on the ocean floor 30m under a canon for 2 hours ?
I think not