December 6, 2015 Thanks to the many participating phonographers and sound artists around the world, Green Field Recordings released its fifth online collection of recordings dedicated to the 2015 World Listening Day on the theme “Water.” Listen and download V/A – World Listening Day 2015 (GFR 095) from Green Field Recordings or Internet Archive.
Happy World Listening Day! The 2015 theme for World Listening Day is “H2O” and we have been thrilled to receive submissions from across the world. Participation in World Listening Day has rapidly expanded every year since the inaugural event 2010 and the diversity of events and activities is always inspiring. Follow the program this weekend…
A call for recordings on the theme *WATER* from Green Field Recordings: hello, the Portuguese netlabel Green Field Recordings joins, for the 4th year the World Listening Project, through World Listening Day, with another field recording sound compilation. all interested artists should send their recordings / sound pieces, via wetransfer to, until the 30th…
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